Health, Safety & Environment  HSE responsibility is fundamental to values adopted by AVIA. As a leading cleaning company, our vision is to make measurable improvements in the health, safety and environmental aspects of our products, services and operations. Every day. Every month. Every year.  Company managers and supervisors are responsible for establishing and continually improving management systems to implement this policy, including creation and maintenance of a clean, healthful, and safe workplace for our employees as well as our customers, prevention of pollution, using energy and other natural resources efficiently, and for compliance with applicable laws and regulations, AVIA's performance standards, and other external requirements to which the company subscribes. AVIA has adopted the Emergency Procedures where have close cooperation  with the nearest hospital and always provide our employees with training courses and health insurance (Jamsostek)  Tanggungjawab HSE sangat penting untuk  nilai-nilai yang di adopsi oleh AVIA. Sebagai sebuah perusahaan pembersihan yang terkemuka, misi kami adalah untuk membuat pembaikan-pembaikan yang bererti dalam aspek-aspek kesehatan, keselamatan dan Lingkungan produk-produk, jasa2 dan operasi kami. Tiap hari. Tiap Bulan. Tiap tahun Manager dan supervisor perusahaan bertanggungjawab untuk membuat dan terus memperbaiki sistem manejmen untuk mengimplimentasikan policy ini dalam memjadikan  suatu tempat kerja yang bersih, sehat dan aman untuk karyawan dan customer kami, menghentikan polusi, penggunaan energi secara efisien dan mengadopsi undang2 dan regulasi yang berlaku. AVIA telah mempunyai  Prosedur Tanggap Darurat dimana kami sudah berkerjasama dengan Rumah Sakit terdekat dan selalu membekali semua karyawan kami dengan pendidikan latihan dan asuransi JAMSOSTEK Management Team Satisfied Customers Director's Message Office & Bldg Cleaning Airlines & Airports Toilets & Janitorial Services Landscape Indoor Services Equipment Maintenance Special Trainning Cleaning Services HSE / CSR Iso & Ohsas Certified Contact Us PT. Avia Jaya Indah PT. Avia Jaya Indah PT. Avia Jaya Indah Cleaning Service Building, Housekeeping,Home Care, Aircraft Interior/Exterior Cleaning/Polishing,Washing,Waxing,Landscaping, Moving Service, Bldg Maintenance, Labour Supplies, General Trade.................... CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)  The Corporate Social Responsibility Programme is the sole responsibility of PT. Avia jaya Indah towards its environment and surroundings. As a caring Body towards its environment and surrounding, the success of this programme will ultimately depend on the extend of our contribution towards the surrounding community Study has proven that if this programme is well organised and managed then it will become an asset for the company and will contribute to an increased in the company's revenue in the long run. PT. Avia Jaya Indah has incorporated this CSR Programme since 1996. Its activities are: 1.	Blood Donation 2.	Free circumcision for children 3.	Aid For Natural Disasters 4.	Tree Planting (Earth Day) 5.	Providing Food Provisions For The Needy Program Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) adalah wujud tanggungjawab social PT. Avia Jaya Indah terhadap lingkungan sekitar nya Sebagai sebuah gerakan kepedulian yang pada akhirnya ukuran kepedulian program ini terletak kepada berapa besar kontribusi terhadap masyarakat sekitar Studi membuktikan bahwa jika program ini di kelola dengan baik, maka ia akan berfungsi sebagai sabuk pengaman aset dan ikut meningkatkan revenue perusahaan dalam jangka panjang PT. Avia Jaya Indah telah menerapkan program CSR sejak tahun 1996. Kegiatan kami termasuk: 1.	Donor Darah 2.	Khitanan Gratis 3.	Sumbangan Bencana Alam 4.	Penanaman Pohon (Hari Bumi) 5.   Pembagian Sembako Click thumbnail to enlarge
Management Team Satisfied Customers Director's Message Office & Bldg Cleaning Airlines & Airports Toilets & Janitorial Services Landscape Indoor / Outdoor Services Equipment Maintenance Special Trainning Cleaning Services HSE / CSR Iso & Ohsas Certified Contact Us
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